# Auxiliary functions SCSS

These functions do not using in real coding.

# Raise a number to a power

# _pow(x, n)



// scss
.block {
  line-height: _pow(10, 3); //10*10*10
// css result
.block {
  line-height: 1000;

# Strip units

Strip units from value and returns the numeric value

# _strip-unit(x)



// scss
.block {
  line-height: _strip-unit(1.2em);
// css result
.block {
  line-height: 1.2;

# Round a number

Round a number to a specified decimal precision

# ss-precision-round(x,[y])



// scss
.block {
  line-height: ss-precision-round(1.33333333333, 3);
  line-height: ss-precision-round(1.77777777777, 3);
  line-height: ss-precision-round(1.77777777777);
// css result
.block {
  line-height: 1.333;
  line-height: 1.778;
  line-height: 1.77778;